7045 N Invergordon RD W | Paradise Valley, AZ | Luxury Real Estate

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Paradise Valley, AZ

Bidding Started On:

May 17, 2019 at 6:00 PM EDT

SOLD | $952,000


Known for its year-round outdoor activities and picturesque views, Paradise Valley is an oasis in the Arizona desert, and Mummy Mountain is the true mecca of the town. Nestled along the peak with views of both the twinkling city lights and the impressive Camelback Mountain, this 6-acre lot of land is the perfect setting for anyone looking to build a home fit for the name of the valley. Natural vegetation and cliffside access set the stage for the estate generations will come to call "home," and thanks to the gated entrance as well as water, power, cable, phone and gas utilities already set up on-site, you can immediately get started on making the 288,130sqft feel like your own. Plus, due to the relaxed hillside ordinance granted by town of Paradise Valley, this lot is much more buildable than others in the area, giving you the chance to create a truly one-of-a-kind mountain top retreat. Whether it's the sweeping vistas, the special building approvals, or the fantastic location just 20 minutes from Phoenix International Airport, after being privately owned by the same family for 50 years, this scenic spot won't be around for long — make it yours before you miss out. ​ 天堂谷(Paradise Valley)以其全年户外活动和如画的风景而闻名,是亚利桑那州沙漠中的一块绿洲,而木乃伊山(Mummy Mountain)则是该镇真正的麦加圣地。这片占地 6 英亩的地块坐落在山顶上,可俯瞰星星点点的城市灯光和令人印象深刻的驼峰山(Camelback Mountain)。对于任何希望亲手打造天堂般的家园的人而言,这里无疑是一处完美的地点。天然植被和峭壁通道已经为庄园打下了基础,让好几代人都可以在此安心居住;由于现场已经建造大门入口并铺设了水电、电缆、电话和天然气设施,您可以立即开工,将这片 288,130 平方英尺的空间改造成自己的家园。此外,由于天堂谷镇颁布了宽松的山坡条例,与地区内的其他地方相比,该地块更适于建造,让您有机会打造一座真正独一无二的山顶度假胜地。无论是一览无遗的风光、特殊建筑许可,还是距离凤凰城国际机场仅 20 分钟车程的绝佳位置,在由同一个家族私人拥有 50 年之后,这片风景名胜待价而沽的时间必定不长,所以切勿错过,赶紧据为己有吧。 ​ 中介商佣金3% | 开标激励12% | 买家附加费12%

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